Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Baskets full of Goodies - A 2012 Review

We all know what a lousy gardening year it has been - but I was surprised, when I looked back at the photographs for the year, just how much veg was actually produced.  The only things that didn't really do very well for me were the fruits and squashes.  No raspberries, no apples or plums, only a few black and red currants.  But on the whole it wasn't that bad.
END MARCH - Rainbow Chard, Leeks and Onion Greens

MARCH - Curly Kale

END MARCH - Purple Sprouting Broccoli

MAY - Rainbow Chard

3rd WEEK JUNE - Calabrese


3rd WEEK JULY - Beetroot, Potatoes, Broad beans, Gooseberries and Redcurrants

END JULY - Calabrese, Romanesco Cauli, Carrots, Broad Beans
Peas, Courgettes, Tomatoes, Beetroot

END JULY - Mint, Sweet Peas, Courgettes, Summer Squash
Peas, Romanesco Caulis, Broccoli Spears, Broad Beans, Tomatoes

BEGINNING AUGUST - Beetroot, Spinach, Mixed Cutting Patch Flowers,
Summer Squash, Courgettes, Broad beans, Peas, Beetroot,
Gooseberries, Redcurrants

1st WEEK AUGUST - Blackcurrants, Tomatoes, Summer Squash, French and Runner Beans
Broc spears, Courgettes

2nd WEEK AUGUST - Runner beans, Cucumber, Romanesco cauli, Crystal Lemon Cucumber
Cauliflower, Beefsteak Tomatoes, Courgettes

18th AUGUST - Summer Squash, Mixed Tomatoes, Parsnips, Runner Beans,
Early potatoes, Courgettes

19th AUGUST -  Sweet peas, Summer Squash, Runner and French Beans,
Beefsteak Tomatoes, Courgettes

25th AUGUST - Tomatoes of every shape and size

26th AUGUST - Cucumbers, Runner Beans, Courgette and Summer Squash

12th SEPTEMBER - Tomatoes, Aubergines and Chillis

END SEPTEMBER - Sungold Tomatoes, Runner Beans, Marrow, Courgettes and
Summer Squash

BEGINNING OCTOBER - Tomatoes brought indoors to ripen
These pictures give you an idea of the amount of produce I was able to harvest over seven months.  Of course, this isn't everything, only as much as I remembered to photograph.  All in all, the results weren't as bad as I thought.  If you can produce this much in a rubbish summer, just think what a decent summer will produce.  Here's hoping for next year.


  1. Really lovely photos of your harvests Elaine - it's amazing to see all the images placed together like this.

    1. It was very interesting going back through the year and a bit of a surprise too at how well some veg did.

  2. That looks like a pretty good harvest to me.
    I followed your advice on bringing the late tomatoes indoors for ripening and it worked a treat. Thanks Elaine.
    Here's to next year!

    1. It wasn't too bad under the circumstances let's just hope the weather is a little kinder next year.

  3. It is strange how the mind plays tricks on you. I;ve come to the same conclusion that not everything was bad.

    1. This is where blogging comes into its own - if not I would never have taken all the photographs and had no idea just how well some things have done.

  4. You did really well this year. Most of my attempts were failures! Ah well, theres always next year!

    1. As the saying goes - you win some, you lose some.

  5. It's lovely to see the seasonal changes in the photos of your harvests through the year.

    1. Yes - some things were really slow to get going but a little bit of re-sowing worked wonders.

  6. Those photos remind how useful blogging can be for the gardener - in our blogposts we have an invaluable record of our sowing, planting, maintenance and harvesting. Long may it remain this way!

    1. It took ages to go through a years photos, but as you say, it is a valuable record.

  7. Well, Elaine...it does seem like the year was not as bad as we thought alright. Great harvest for you too. I still have lots blanched and frozen in the freezer too.

    1. I don't have enough space to keep us going entirely through the year but haven't done too bad.

  8. Fan-bloody-tastic. And I thought my garden was productive!

  9. Goodness me you really do have green fingers don't you! Flighty xx

  10. Not bad at all. It's funny how we seem to remember the failures rather than the successes until our memory is jolted. You had a wide variety of things which did well.

  11. Looks to me like you did quite well. I 'm more of a flower gardener but starting to grow more and more vegetables. Some definitely do better than others!

  12. Very nice pictures of this years produce Elaine. Similar to you I can't complain about the amount of veg produced this year. Apples, Pears and Plums were none existent. But Currants, Gooseberries and Strawberries more than made up for that. My main disappointment was Sweetcorn not ripening up fully. All in all it was lack of sunshine that became a nuisance rather than all the rainfall we had. Roll on Spring.

  13. What a colourful array of produce - and how heartening. I really must remember to take the time to phtoograph whatever I get to harvest. I was cutting Pak Choi for a stir fry the other evening in the dark, in the rain, not really conducive...

  14. What brillant photos and a great review of your year which was very successful. I need to do the same and see what worked and didn't work for me. I think overall it wasn't too bad for me either, some things just a bit later than last year.

  15. My mouth was watering looking at all that lovely fresh food. Especially the chard - such beautiful colours

  16. Beautiful photos,beautiful vegetables!

  17. Wow, very impressive harvests. And think of all the money it saved you, and of course the taste is always better. Lovely photos too.

  18. What a beautiful calendar you just created. Your harvest was great this year.
    All I can say here, is rain, rain go away.
    Have a Merry Christmas Elaine.
    Thank you for your lovely comments
    Hugs Rosemary...xo

  19. Very impressive! What a fun way to remember the annual harvest.

  20. Wow amazing photos. Merry Christmas Elaine x


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