Monday, 18 August 2014

Plumple – Plum and Apple Jam

I have the plums ~ I have the apples ~ I’m going to make Plumple.


eating apples - variety unknown

eating apple - James Grieve

cooking apples - bramley

Take equal amounts of both ripe plums and cooking apples or under-ripe dessert apples.  De-stone the plums and cut into four or more pieces.  Peel and core the apples and cut into slices.  Place into a pan, just cover with water and cook until soft.  Alternatively, simply chop all the fruit roughly, cover with water and simmer till soft enough to sieve out the stones, pips and so on.  In either approach, weigh the puree and add the same amount of white sugar to the pan and simmer gently, stirring constantly until the sugar has dissolved.  Turn up the heat until it nearly boils and the puree turns jammy, take off the heat and pour into hot, sterilised jars.  You could add a little lemon zest along with the sugar for an extra tang.

(Taken from Bob Flowerdew’s – Grow Your Own – Eat Your Own)

‘Til next time – happy Plumpling.


Runner Bean and Sweet Red Pepper Chutney

I thought I would try a new recipe  for chutney – a way of using up a few surplus runner beans.  Great with a curry or maybe a strong cheese.   If you are interested I have put the recipe on the Preserves page on my side bar.




‘Til we meet again – happy chutney making.



  1. Thank you for sharing have a blessed week Elaine chutney is the only thing I never made how is it like jam re the setting point is it the same or slightly different ?

    1. There is no setting point for chutney Linda - you just simmer it till all the liquid is gone and it becomes thick.

  2. I don't have enough Runner Beans to justify making them into chutney. I like them in their simplest form - plain boiled!

    1. Sounds like your beans aren't doing as well as they did last year Mark - from what I remember.

  3. We have been eating Plum Tarte Tatins recently; they're good, try it.

  4. I too have plums and apples... plumple is now on the list of things to make! Does it keep like a jam, or will I need to make space in the fridge?

    1. Sorry - I have no idea - not made it before - I just presumed it was like jam.

    2. We'll see what happens... although quite often jam doesn't last long enough around here to test its keeping qualities.

  5. 'Plumple' - what a truly scrumptious word Elaine. That bean chutney looks good although in my case I would have to substitute French beans for runners.

    1. I did make the chutney with runner beans because the slugs demolished the French beans but I suppose either will do for the same effect.

  6. What a wonderful word, Plumple. Sadly, I don't think my little patio trees will ever produce enough plums or apples to make in to jam.

    1. It is a lovely word isn't it - my Victoria plum tree only had three plums on this year but I have quite a few damsons and thousands of apples - good apple year, lousy plum year.

  7. I had a go at "Plumping" with the fruit I foraged. The result was very satisfactory. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Glad it turned out ok - I planted a wild plum a few years ago - no sign of any fruit yet though

  8. I'm so pleased you alerted me that your veg blog was up and running again, thanks Elaine! It was rather sad when you lost your allotment so this is great news. Love the idea of making 'Plumple' - I have apples and rose hips so I guess that will be a Hipple Tipple!

  9. Ha! Excellent - you've just invented a new jam.


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