Saturday, 24 November 2012

Alliums that never say die

Japanese Onions - a bit battered and flat after the gales and heavy rain

Spring Onions from last year - still going strong

The garlic that disappeared earlier in the year has decided to re-grow - a little bonus!


  1. All water-resistant varieties, I take it? :)

  2. I only grow red onions. They are all now sitting quietly in a cardboard box awaiting their destiny.

    1. For some reason I don't like red onions cooked - only raw in salad, mine didn't do too well this year.

    2. Our red onions were a disaster this year - basically no harvest!

  3. I don't think there are any signs of our winter onions yet - well there wasn't on our last plot visit!

    1. I am not sure why these have grown so well - especially after the neighbourhood cat dug them up several times.

  4. Battered or not, your Onions look in very good condition. Although the weather has been wet I think the mildish temperature could be having an effect. Mine are submerged at the moment, again?

  5. My onions were rubbish this year, and here are your's still going strong even after the battering they've had this weekend. They must be made of strong stuff.

  6. One of my new neighbours has given me a Welsh onion which is currently still in a pot while I work out where to plant it. My spring onions aren't nearly as big as yours, but they seem to be surviving the torrential rain.

  7. Amazing what tough customers plants are Elaine - we wouldn't look as good if we had been standing out there in all the wet stuff that we've had this year!

  8. Looking good. I wish that I could grow decent spring onions! Flighty xx

  9. The allium are certainly a versatile plant frost and drought hardy.


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