What have I been doing every afternoon this week - seed sowing - that's what. Trying to catch up after my holiday. Of course there's no rush - it's just that I like to get a few things underway in March - little and often is my sowing motto.
Boltardy Beetroot |
This morning I sowed a row of
parsnips and
beetroot in the allotment garden
Tender and True Parsnip |
The trick is not to sow too many at a time. I try and space them thinly so that I don't have the job of thinning them later on. It is quite easy with the larger seeds like parsnips and beetroot, but a little more difficult with carrots, say, as the seed is quite small. I will sow more beetroot each month till July so that I have a continuous crop right through the year. Then, to extend the season, I will sow some in containers, that I can bring them in to the greenhouse when the weather gets colder again. That's the theory anyway.
I have sown five types of lettuce in modules, three to each station:-
Iceberg, Little Gem, Webbs Wonderful, Lobjoits Green Cos and All the Year Round. The first four are crispy lettuce, All the Year Round is a Butterhead. I love the crispness of the first four but will grow salad leaves as well to mix in with the others to give different textures and colours on the plate. I tend to use each lettuce by breaking off the leaves rather than pull the whole plant - that way they keep growing and producing more leaves. Lettuce do over winter well , so I will keep sowing little and often right through the year, giving the plants protection later on. Even in summer I protect them with some shading mesh when it gets too hot.
Lettuce look pretty good in the flower garden too, used as edging plants - and if they bolt, and throw up spires, they look even prettier.
The last job for today was to transplant
Broccoli and
Cauliflower seedlings which now have two true leaves. So far I have transplanted a dozen of each, but again, I intend doing a bit of succession sowing.
Broccoli did well for me last year, enabling me to pick for quite a few weeks. But with
Cauliflower it is best to harvest them quite small as they all produce heads at the same time.
So, I am slowly getting to grips with the growing season,
Leeks have been transplanted , more
Broad beans and
Peas sown, and a row of
Charlotte potatoes put in the ground - I feel I am making a little progress at last. If this weather holds and I am able to carry on doing a bit every day I'll be a happy bunny.