Thursday, 24 May 2012

Empty Greenhouse Syndrome

You know how it is - you fill the greenhouse with seedlings, you nurture them through the cold weather, you pray they will start growing - then what happens - a couple of days of sunshine - and off they go.  The greenhouse slowly empties and your little plant babies flee the nest and go out into the big wide world.

It has been full steam ahead with the plantings - all the runner beans have gone into their final places and the bean poles have been erected.

The tomato plants have said goodbye to their greenhouse companions

The tumbling tomatoes are now hanging from their hooks in the garden and all I am left with is the leeks

and the potatoes in containers
and a new sowing of beetroot

at last the greenhouse can breathe and what is left has room to grow.

Now all I have to do is try and keep everything safe from the weather, pigeons, mice and birds.  Not an easy task.  All I can hope is that my little babies will grow into fine adults with lives of their own and that they don't come to any harm.  Aah what we mothers go through!


  1. Oh I can't wait to see my garden again. All your vegetables look so fantastic!

    1. I have been planting out like a mad thing over the last two days - I do find the heat exhausting though - I'm pooped.

    2. Everything looks live it is growing really well, it should thrive once planted out:)

    3. A lot of watering is going on at the moment as we are actually having hot weather (for a change).

  2. Even our new fruit trees have been sent out into the garden but there's still masses of planting!

    1. Just got to finish putting the squashes in - find somewhere for the leeks - and I'm finished - for now!

  3. Only the peas and mangetout have vacated my greenhouse as yet. I'm hoping to get lots more planted out over the next few days though. Isn't this weather gorgeous?

    1. Yes it is - but to be honest - I can't stand the heat - warmth yes but not hot, hot, hot. It has taken me ages tonight to water everything I have planted but it is a lovely evening for it

  4. You've reminded me... I still have to sow my beetroot.

    1. Do you do repeat sowings - I shall probably do at least another three beetroot sowings before the autumn. Little and often is the name of my game.

  5. Great seeing all your crops.
    My friend came around last night and brought lots of plants he did not need for my little Grand-daughter.
    She is going to grow veggies on her patio, with a little help here and there from Grandma!!

    1. Catch 'em young and they'll be gardeners for life - maybe!

  6. It's a time-consuming job Teri - it's all very well having loads of plants - but they all have to go somewhere - I'm sure you'll find time somehow.

  7. Yippee! I'm glad to hear most of the greenhouse babies have gone to explore the world.

    1. It's a funny old thing but I have been nurturing them for what seems an age and I miss them being there - stupid or what!

  8. Mmm, seeing as how I don't have a greenhouse to empty...Flighty xx

  9. It was a play on words Flighty - like 'Empty Nest Syndrome' for you it would be when you plant out and all your windowsills are empty.

  10. still have some late tomatoes and squash seedlings waiting in the grow house...
    but I am sure that they will catch up soon...
    your garden sounds full !

    1. It is - still have to find space for the leeks - it is going to be a bit of a squeeze

  11. Aah, pigeons... I didn't cover the greens thinking that the they were too small for the birds too notice... they were stripped within a few hours....

    1. My brassicas are looking pretty pathetic at the moment from our mutual friends taking a fancy to them - I have covered them with mesh tunnels in the hope that they recover. Only time will tell.

  12. You have been busy. I've still got lots to plant out, but its nice that the weather is warming up so things can now get out there. Its the hardening off that sometimes takes the time.

    1. I have abandoned hardening off now as the weather is so warm - everything seems to be doing okay regardless - except for the leeks, which will be planted out shortly, I am just about finished for the time being - running out of space fast.

  13. I'm surprised to see potatoes like this. Do you plant them out as if they had started in the soil?

    1. I'm not quite sure what you mean Lucy - they are container grown potatoes and kept in the pots till they are ready to eat, One potato planted per pot and filled to the top with potting compost. You get a couple of meals worth out of each pot.


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