Had a good work-out in the allotment garden on Monday shifting loads of horse manure and compost to mulch the raspberry plants. The compost was very wet and slightly slimey, rather than the dry and crumbly texture I expected it to be, but I used it anyway. It was very windy but sunny so I enjoyed being out - and decided to have a little bonfire to get rid of all the stalky stuff that had accumulated. I love a good bonfire. That is something I miss now that everyone gets rid of their rubbish in wheelie bins, the smell of smoke drifting in the autumn air and tending the fire, pushing all the end bits in and trying to keep it going.

I once set the fence on fire, oops, as the wind changed direction and for the same reason, the wind that is, I once set my hair on fire - it must have been the hairspray I was wearing - the smell of singed hair, eyelashes and eyebrows was awful. So guess what - I stopped having bonfires. But on Monday I thought I would treat myself, just a little one - pyromaniac, me, nah!
My outdoor Sungold tomatoes are still fruiting - they have been woefully neglected - but keep soldiering on.
And, do you remember I told you about some self-seeded tomatoes that I had found, well, I took the pot into the greenhouse - and look - flowers. Fingers crossed, maybe some fruit - if the weather doesn't get too cold. I may have to pollinate them myself as there aren't many bees about now, but who cares, it will be worth it.
This is the stage the garlic is at in the greenhouse, doing well I think, and ready for planting outside. Maybe I'll give it a little protection till it hardens off a bit.
And finally, the last two lettuce plants outside - the leaves look a little tough now, but considering the lack of rain and me not watering them either, I think they are survivors.
As our allotment site is bordered by houses, I tend not to have bonfires. I know one of the other nearby sites is always getting complaints off the neighbours because of the smoke. I wonder if your tomatoes will produce any fruit. I still haven't cleared my plants out of the greenhouse and I've noticed there's flowers on them too, they won't get chance to fruit though, they'll be out the first chance I get.
ReplyDeleteOh dear that fire lighting does sound a bit dangerous. My dad used to love disappearing behind the garage and having a bonfire. He wouldn't say anything because my mum didn't like it and you'd be looking around for him, wondering where he'd got to then you'd see the plumes of smoke coming from behind the garage and you'd know.
ReplyDeleteWe don't have so many bonfires now being in the town but we had a lot more in our Orkney garden. P just loves a good blaze!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy a good bonfire, but we keep them to a minimum on our allotment site as there are flats nearby. Flighty xx
ReplyDeleteI used to love a good bonfire but we arent allowed them where I live nor at my allotment so I really miss them especially at this time of year.
ReplyDeleteNo sign of my direct planted garlic yet but I think I may have planted them too deep after watching great British Food Revival this evening.
ReplyDeleteI can almost smell the smoke, I love a good bonfire, but like Helen, we aren't allowed them up at the allotments. I was picking lettuce and planting cabbages in the sun yesterday, so I'm not surprised your tomatoes are still going. Hope you get fruit from the tiddler too!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I would be popular with my neighbours if I had a bonfire, though it is tempting because I have just so many fallen leaves to get rid of.
ReplyDeletemaybe we need to be in close proximiy with fire every so often, in one way or another!Glad the tomatos have flowers, will be waitng to hear about fruit...good luck
ReplyDeleteWhat are you like!!!.. xxx
I would love a good bonfire but there are too many moaners at my allotment that do not like them, the smell is gorgeous and I could watch flames flickering for ages.
ReplyDeleteI have neglected my plot recently as we have been giving my son so much attention to bring on his speech but I think I'm overdue some me time there v soon.
Sam x
This is all very industrious and inspiring.